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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Life Science

The students have had a wonderful time with the earthworm and mealworm units. The students have had the opportunity to learn all about earthworms and mealworms. The students have put their pets through rigorous experiments. The students learned about all of their likes and dislikes. The students have also been writing in their journals each day about the experiments they have conducted. The students will have a test tomorrow on the mealworms. The students will continue to write in their journals each day. The students will watch the mealworms as they complete the metamorphosis process. The students will begin the unit on earthquakes next Monday.

The students will be working in teams of two and three. The students will have to construct a skyscraper out of tooth picks and hot glue. The students skyscraper will have to hold a masonary brick for thirty seconds. The students will have to test their engineering skills when they test their structure on the Earthquake Board.

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