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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mr. Iannone the Science guy by fang

Mr. Iannone the Science guy by fang

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Mr. Iannone

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tinkertoy Activity

Students worked in small groups to practice the invention process using Tinkertoys. They received a container of parts, had time to explore the parts and see how they fit together, and then create a blueprint of an item they could create using the Tinkertoy parts. After creating the blueprint, the students used the parts to make the item and then presented to the rest of the class. The Tinkertoy activity was a great oppurtunity for the students to see how the process of inventing works: brainstorming, designing, creating, troubleshooting, and finally, presenting!

Meet Mrs. Pallagi

Hi! I'm Mrs. Pallagi and am excited to have joined sixth grade science as a student teacher! I will be working in the classroom for the rest of year and am looking forward to planning fun and exciting lessons as we explore science together!